Skin Tightening
HIFU is a highly sought skin tightening treatment due to its non-invasive nature and efficacy. It applies high intensity focused ultrasound to the layer under the skin to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenation. It is particularly effective for jowl lifting and tightening.

What to Expect
The procedure may be uncomfortable depending on the location of the treatment. You will see immediate results after the treatment but the best results are 3 months later as your body produces more collagen. Results will last the whole year and it is recommended to have a touch-up after 1-2 years, depending on how well you take care of your skin. It will appear pinkish post treatment but otherwise there is little downtime.
Before Treatment
Not suitable for anyone who is taking prescription acne or photosensitising medication such as Accutane, Doxycycline etc.
No antibiotics or photo sensitising medication one week before treatment. This includes acne medication. No prescription creams including retinol, tretinoin, hydroquinone one week before treatment.
No self-tanners or sun tanning for 1 week before and after each treatment.
Always wear 30+ sun protection 1 week prior to and during any course of any treatment as treatment cannot be done over sunburnt skin.
Not suitable for anyone pregnant.
After Treatment
Redness and swelling may occur and will resolve with time
Avoid heat hot showers and tubs, saunas, sweating with exercise for 1-2 days
Avoid skin irritants (products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl, peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents) for a few days post treatment.
Apply sunscreen minimum 30+ everyday to maintain results!
Notify us immediately if you have any concerns (blistering, excessive redness/swelling).

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