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Herbal Aktiv Peel

The herbal aktiv peel is a natural and plant based peel to rejuvenate the skin by speeding up the skin’s natural renewal process.


The three strengths, in order of the gentlest to the strongest, are the B(Beauty) Peel, Phyto Peel and the 5-Day Aktiv Peel.

Three Types of Herbal Peel

B Peel is the most gentle of the peels. Great for sensitive skin. 


Phyto Peel is the middle strength of the peels and greatly speeds up the skin renewal period. Skin flaking may occur the day after the peel if the peel was done with the intention of shedding old skin. Great for hyperpigmentation. 


5-Day Aktiv Peel is the strongest of the herbal aktiv peels and involves am intensive 5-day process. It has the effect of three phyto peels into one peel. Rejuvenates skin making it look more fresh, glowy and bright. Great for hyperpigmentation and aging skin. 

What to Expect

After the treatment your skin will be mildly tingly over the next day. During the treatment, it will feel a bit rough or abrasive due to the texture of the herbs. The skin is not being damaged but it is creating microchannels for the herbs to be absorbed by the skin. The tingling is an indication of absorption and is normal after treatment. 


After the 5-Day herbal peel, our old skin will peel and the new skin will show over the next 2 - 6 days. It will look as if a snake is shedding its skin! Generally the area around the mouth will peel first because of the constant movement. Some people may take longer or shorter than the approximated time to peel depending on their health. It is common for smokers to take longer to peel.

Before Treatment

  • Avoid alcohol 48 hours before the appointment. 

  • Not suitable for anyone who is taking prescription acne or photosensitising medications such as Accutane, Doxycycline etc. 

  • Not suitable if you have had any resurfacing or other peeling treatments within the last 2 weeks. 

  • Not suitable for anyone pregnant. 

After Treatment

  • For longer lasting benefits, avoid washing your face for the day

  • Avoid wearing makeup for the next 24 hours. 

  • Avoid touching your face after the treatment. 

  • Avoid exposure to prolonged sunlight, rigorous exercise, saunas, hot baths and excessive amounts of alcohol during the process as this may compromise results. 

  • After the 5-Day herbal peel

    • Do not peel or pick at the loose skin. Let it fall off naturally.

    • Do not wash your face for the next five days and you must use the products provided as instructed.

    • Book a post-treatment session with us to professionally remove the rest of the dead skin. This is generally done on day 5 but can be done earlier or later depending on how fast your skin is peeling.

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