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Cosmelan Peel

Cosmelan is a professional peel that targets hyperpigmentation caused by melasma, uv-exposure, acne and aging.


The in-salon treatment brings out the pigmentation and breaks down the colour and is followed by a strict skin care regime for a continuous depigmentation process. The whole process will help brighten your skin quickly and also in the long run.

Image by Dominique Rivas

What to Expect

2 in-salon sessions and skin care products will be provided for you.


The first session will be the application of the cosmelan mask which is to be removed by yourself after 8-12 hours (as per therapists instructions).


After removal of the mask, you will need to follow a strict skin care regime to continue the depigmentation process and expect possible redness and skin flaking for the 1-10 days after treatment.


A week after the first session, you will be asked to come in again for a checkup.

Before Treatment

  • Not suitable for anyone who is taking prescription acne or photosensitising medication such as Accutane, Doxycycline etc.

  • No antibiotics or photo sensitising medication one week before treatment. This includes acne medication. No prescription creams including retinol, tretinoin, hydroquinone one week before treatment. 

  • No self-tanners or sun tanning for 1 week before and after each treatment.

  • Always wear 30+ sun protection 1 week prior to and during any course of any treatment as treatment cannot be done over sunburnt skin.

  • Not suitable for anyone pregnant.

After Treatment

  • Redness and skin flaking in the early stages of treatment

  • MUST follow the at home protocol with the skin products provided (home essentials kit/home maintenance pack)

  • Avoid high sun exposure during the process as it can cause pigmentation and compromise results. 

  • Apply sunscreen minimum 30+ everyday to maintain results!

  • Notify us immediately if you have any concerns (blistering, excessive redness/swelling). 

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